How to Make Safe and Natural Sunblock Bars

How to Make Safe and Natural Sunblock Bars

Heat waves in spring are really not my thing! But the sun itself....ohhh how I love it!

We have been sun deprived too long--at least those of us up here in the Northeast--so our bodies are longing to bask in this natural source of splendor that helps our body produce vitamin D. This is also the time, however, when many of us fear for our skin, as the threat of UV rays is no joking matter. We smother layers upon layers, hour upon hour, of nicely scented sunscreen and walk out into the sun carefree. But please STOP! This sun-warding ritual is causing MORE HARM than UV rays itself.  Here's how:

  1. Many common sunscreen brands use chemicals that generate free radicals that damage DNA, skin cells and cause skin cancer.  These chemicals are used because they are nano size particles that rub on well, smell nice, and are cheap to use. But these nano size particles, enter your blood stream through your skin or lungs (when inhaled from the spray) and are poisonous.
  2. Nano-sized titanium dioxide is simply not safe.  Titanium dioxide is a natural mineral that is safe. It sets on the surface of the skin and deflects and absorbs the UVB (not UVA). However many brands have nano-sized this naturally large mineral so that the particles can enter your skin to give your sunscreen a sexy sheen. This makes titanium dioxide a health hazard when inhaled through sprays or when penetrated into your skin.  Read more from the source! 
  3. We inhibit our bodies from activating our stored up vitamin D. Since sunscreens protect against UVA radiation, we inhibit our bodies from activating our stored up vitamin D, which is important for our immune system, bone density, and mood.
  4. With high SPFs, we prolong our exposure to the sun, well past the safe amount.Many, due to extreme fear of UV rays, have increased their SPF level to 50+. However, according to the FDA, there is no real assurance that these claims are true because there is no data demonstrating the additional clinical benefits. So, in the end, what people are doing is applying a 50+ SPF and staying out longer in the sun. Imagine the damage this is causing! 

Did you know we use sunscreen more than ever before and yet skin cancer has also increased?  This is not necessarily a cause and effect, but something to think about and question. The good news is that there are safe ways to protect your skin:

  • Wellness Mama offers a dietary solution where you eliminate certain foods while increasing your intake of others to reduce your sensitivity to sun rays. Read more from the source.
  • Stay hydrated and spritz your face with some of our lovely Aqua Vitae.
  • Let your skin breathe some sun without sunscreen.
  • Cover up if you feel you have absorbed too much sun.
  • Use your own homemade sunscreen with pure non-nano Zinc Oxide. This is the only actual active ingredient to effectively shield off the full spectrum of sun rays without threatening your health. Read more from the source. 


Sunblock Recipe With Non-nano Zinc Oxide  (adapted from  







1 cup coconut oil  

1 cup shea butter

1 cup beeswax (your local farmer's market should have some)

20% of Zinc Oxide for a 30% spf (make sure it is purified, non-nano size and pharmaceutical grade. It can be found here

2 tsp Vitamin E oil to preserve

1 tablespoon glycerin

3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional and don't use citrus oils)

Note: Your ingredients can be found at a health food store or from Organic Infusions or from the links provided


DIRECTIONS:  Place coconut oil, wax and shea butter in a bain Marie. Stir until melted. Remove from heat and let cool a bit. Add the rest of the ingredients. Stir. Pour into silicone molds. Allow setting in a cool place. Store where cool and dry.   Note: this bar can last 2-4 months.  For more information, visit  Please note that since you are using non-nano Zinc Oxide, the particles are larger so it will rub on white and set on the surface of your skin, which is good!  The more zinc you add, the whiter it will be. See the instructions that come with your purchase of Zinc Oxide.

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